Postie & Sue doing the "mail run".

Thanks for dropping in to visit us on our blogspot as we go off to explore this wonderful country of ours. We would be very happy to have your comments if you want to post them.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Chelsea & John with Maddie

Bryon & Sue

Bryon & Caitlyn

Off for a fabulous night out & meal at the Wild Duck restaraunt in Albany.Nice to get all dressed up!

Dumbleyung visit

This is the Donald Campbell plaque for his world speed record.

Dumbleyung Lake is awesome, although there is not much water in it at the moment. The visitors areas are very nice & it is sure worth a visit if you are in the area.

Bryon & I with Kevin & Karen went to Dumbleyung for the weekend to visit the original Porteous farm & homes.This picture is Nana's house, we had a great time fossicking in the old tip & looking at the rusting machinery & cars in the bush around the house.The house is huge with lovely verandahs all the way around, very high ceilings which Kevin had a look in looking for Granddad's missing war medals!

Daniel & his truck.